


Membership of the Neurosurgical Academy of West, Central and East Africa is voluntary and open to all neurosurgeons and specialists in related fields.

Kinds of membership.
There are two kinds of membership as follows:
a) Core membership that enjoys all rights and assume all duties, consisting of neurosurgeons that are registered with the Medical Council of their respective countries in West, Central and East Africa. This is open to all neurosurgeons practising in respective countries or overseas and who are able to communicate in English.
b) Other types of membership, and those don’t have the right to nominate, vote or run for the presidency or the executive Bureau of the association, namely:
1. Associate membership, includes consultants neurosurgeons that are enrolled in recognized training programs, and people working in the field of neurosurgery or non-physicians.
2. Participating membership that consists of specialists in other disciplines related to neurosurgery.
3. Honorary membership, for people who have rendered outstanding services to Neurosurgery.

Young Neurosurgeons.

This is made of members who have not yet finished their training in neurosurgery.

For more information on how to become a member, please, contact us by emailing to :


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